Realis Gymnastics in Moreno Valley offers
Gymnastics Classes
Our skills-based program provides unlimited opportunities for growth and helps the young athlete develop physical strength, flexibility, agility, and confidence. Classes focus on skill progressions through each of the Olympic events for both girls and boys gymnastics.
Recreational Classes for Girls:
Ages 6 and older are offered for all skill-levels and include training in vault, uneven parallel bars, balance beam, and floor. Athletes in each level of gymnastics, entry level through advanced, work through a series of skills and progressions to develop mastery before moving on to the next level. Coaches use evaluations to determine advancement.
● Level 1 – Beginning gymnastics
● Level 2 – Intermediate gymnastics
● Level 3 – Advanced gymnastics
● Advanced – Ready to practice more advanced skills but not interested in a competitive team.
● Pre-Team – A year long program that prepares the athlete for competition on our competitive teams. Invite only.
Recreational Classes for Boys:
Ages 6 and older are offered for all skill-levels and include training in vault, high bar, parallel bars, still rings, pommel horse, and floor. Athletes enrolled in our boys classes work through a series of skills and progressions to develop mastery before moving on to the next level. Coaches use evaluations to determine advancement.
● Beginning Boys
● Intermediate/Advanced Boys
Give us a call to schedule a trial class!

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"very happy I went in"
Jen F.

"The staff is professional and attentive"
Anna R.