Realis Gymnastics in Moreno Valley offers
Tumbling Classes
Our Tumbling classes are offered for every skill level from beginning to advanced.
Our tumbling classes are designed to train proper technique and progressions for tumblers at any level. These classes provide the perfect environment for dancers, cheerleaders, and gymnasts who have tumbling goals of any kind. Athletes in each level of tumbling, entry level through advanced, work through a series of skills and progressions to develop mastery before moving on to the next level. Coaches use evaluations to determine advancement.
● Beginning Tumbling – Introduction to basic tumbling skills with a focus on shape, form, and strengthening.
● Intermediate Tumbling – Builds on introductory skills and introduces more advanced skills.
● Advanced Tumbling – Builds on beginning and intermediate tumbling and focuses on mastery of skills.
Give us a call to schedule a trial class!

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"very happy I went in"
Jen F.

"The staff is professional and attentive"
Anna R.